Luis Apolo
I'm an assistant professor at the Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA) interested in quantum gravity, conformal field theory, and their relationship via the AdS/CFT correspondence.
My research focuses on holography and its extensions beyond anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes. A major motivation behind my research is to understand how holography and quantum gravity work in the real world. I’m particularly interested in the construction of top-down models of non-AdS holography obtained from string theory, and in further developing the holographic dictionary of known bottom-up constructions.
- Tsinghua University, Spring 2025: General physics
- Tsinghua University, Fall 2024: Analytical mechanics
- Tsinghua University, Spring 2024: General physics
- BIMSA, Fall 2023: Holography and TTbar deformations
- Tsinghua University, Spring 2021: Aspects of holography and irrelevant deformations
- Single-trace TTbar deformations and string theory , 3rd Young Frontiers Meeting (zoom), September 12-14th, 2022 (Recorded lectures: I , II , III   ◇   Lecture notes: I , II , III )
Selected publications
A full list of my publications can be found in: inSPIRE | arXiv | Google Scholar
- L. Apolo, S. Bintanja, A. Castro and D. Liska, The light we can see: Extracting black holes from weak Jacobi forms [JHEP10 (2024) 068, 2407.06260 ]
- L. Apolo, A. Belin, S. Bintanja, A. Castro and C. Keller, Deforming symmetric product orbifolds: a tale of moduli and higher spin currents [JHEP08 (2022) 159, 2204.07590 ]
- L. Apolo, S. Detournay and W. Song, TsT, TTbar and black strings [JHEP06 (2020) 109, 1911.12359]
- L. Apolo and M. Porrati, Free boundary conditions and the AdS3/CFT2 correspondence [JHEP1403 (2014) 116, 1401.1197]
Short CV
- Assistant Professor, BIMSA, 2023 - present
- Postdoc, University of Amsterdam, 2021 - 2023
- Assistant Researcher, BIMSA, 2020 - 2021
- Postdoc, Tsinghua University, 2017 - 2020
- Postdoc, Stockholm University, 2014 - 2017
- Ph. D, New York University, 2014
Contact info
Beijing Institute of Mathematical
Sciences and Applications,
No. 544 Hefangkou, Huariou
District, Beijing, China